Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Venezia

Series | Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Venezia
Edited book | Cronache della Soprintendenza di Venezia. Attività e ricerche
Chapter | Venezia Novecento: architettura revival a San Marco

Venezia Novecento: architettura revival a San Marco

L’architetto Ambrogio Narduzzi e il progetto della Chiesa Metodista nel sotoportego del Cavalletto 95-96


Through archive documents, the essay researches the renovation phases of the Methodist church and of the building that contains it, located at the sotoportego del Cavalletto in San Marco. The project was designed by the Venetian architect Ambrogio Narduzzi, very active between the end of the nineteenth and the first decades of the twentieth century; Narduzzi collaborated with the Methodist church on other projects. The Venetian project was designed and executed between 1910 and 1917 and it is not only an interesting example of reconstruction inspired by revival architecture and historic styles – as it was very common in the first decades of the twentieth century – but it offers also the opportunity to a larger reflection on the active role of the Methodist community in the city, between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 29, 2024 | Published Dec. 19, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords VeniceMethodist ChurchArchitect Ambrogio NarduzziEarly twentieth century architecture

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