JoMaCC Journal of Modern and Contemporary Christianity

Journal | JoMaCC
Journal issue | 1 | 1 | 2022
Research Article | Measuring Social Media Marketing Strategies of Christian Female Religious Leaders

Measuring Social Media Marketing Strategies of Christian Female Religious Leaders


This work faces the question of how female Christian leaders are structuring their marketing social media oriented strategies. In particular, we examine the communication strategy of a Catholic nun, two Protestant leaders (one Methodist and one Lutheran) and a charismatic Christian within a megachurch. We explore three main aspects of the question: first, the ‘knots’ of their communication strategy (the number of products/services they offered as newsletters, books, podcasts, blogs…); second, the result of these strategies in terms of volume of their audience; and third, the topics they talk about and the use of SEO and ‘copywriting strategies’ to be more engaging. As an added value of this study, we tried to quantify each of these aspects.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 14, 2022 | Accepted: April 26, 2022 | Published April 29, 2022 | Language: en

Keywords Joan ChittisterBobbie HoustonHoustonNadia Bolz-WeberSocial mediaHillsongMarketingVashti McKenzieBolz-WeberChittisterMcKenzie

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