Journal |
Monographic journal issue | 2 | 1 | 2023
Research Article | Adriana Zarri: The Power of a Lay Woman’s Voice
Contemporary historiography has investigated the life and thought of many women philosophers and theologians, but until now has forgotten Adriana Zarri (1910-2010), an Italian journalist and writer very actively involved in the ecclesiastical, theological and social debate of the twentieth century. This article, based on published and unpublished sources, intends to shed light on her life, her theological insights, her radical commitment for a profound reform of the Catholic Church and the advancement of women, as well as her defence of civil rights and the environment. From the 1970s she became a point of reference for many people, believers and unbelievers, uncomfortable with Church conservativism and eager to reflect on the great changes in culture, morals and the society of their time.
Submitted: Jan. 15, 2023 | Accepted: March 15, 2023 | Published May 16, 2023 | Language: en
Keywords Hermitic life • Laicity • Reform of the Catholic Church • Ecological awareness • Trinitarian theology
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