Collana | SAIL
Miscellanea | Educazione linguistica inclusiva
Capitolo | La prospettiva glottodidattica del Progetto nazionale per l’inclusione e l’integrazione dei bambini rom, sinti e caminanti

La prospettiva glottodidattica del Progetto nazionale per l’inclusione e l’integrazione dei bambini rom, sinti e caminanti


The purpose of the essay is to examine the aspects and procedures of the National Project for the Inclusion and Integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti Children carried out in Italy in the years 2013-2016 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. Some previous laws and regulations aiming at curbing the significant school dropout of Gypsy pupils and at promoting their integration are also taken into consideration. Given the unique cultural and linguistic identity of RSC pupils, the complex implementation of inclusive education practices is here discussed, along with the main ethnic and linguistic peculiarities of RSC pupils in view of their difficult school and social integration within the gagé’s world.

Open access

Presentato: 27 Maggio 2020 | Pubblicato 23 Febbraio 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords Inclusive EducationEducational LinguisticsNational projectSinti and Caminanti childrenRome

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