
Culture senza quartieri

Il museo e l’educazione al patrimonio per il dialogo tra cittadini 

Aurora Di Mauro    Regione Veneto – Sez. Cultura, Ufficio Musei    



The Region of Veneto, in the area of cultural heritage, has not made specific e orts to protect the cultural rights of its citizens. As a coordinating institution in the area, however, it has held a general action to improve, in school and museum’s professionals, the awareness that cultural heritage should be experienced as a ‘common good’ for both local citizens and new inhabitants from other countries. This action has been carried out mainly through the annual implementation (1997-2012) of two important meetings among museum operators and school operators: the Re- gional Conference of the Museums of Veneto and the Regional Day of Study on Museum Didactics. The reduction of the resources allocated from the regional budget to the area of culture has led, unfortunately, to the decision to suspend such initiatives. By remembering the action of the Region of Veneto in this field it is useful to historicize an important contribution recognized by the cultural operators’ community and, at the same time, to provide hints of analysis and reflections on the approach of public administration in terms of promoting cultural citizenship. 


Keywords: Common goodRegional day of StudyCultural operator's communityCultural citizenshipRegional Conference of the Museums of Veneto

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