Series |
Review | Human Mobility and Circularity of the Idea
Chapter | Imigração e língua em uma perspectiva de gênero
Discusses the role of language in the immigration process, focusing on gender. For this, portrays the drama of three immigrant women coming to an unknown country and find themselves in the difficult situation to integrate into the new society. Through interviews of two young men and three women – two native speakers of Spanish and Italian – the author portrays the challenge, wrapped in fear and suffering related to the need to settle in a foreign country and learning a new language at the same time it is the abandonment of their native language and their cultural identity. Comparing the female and male roles both in the society of origin as at the finish, the author concludes that remains to immigrant warmth – but also the isolation – the home, leaving the children link the role between them and the language and strange society.
Submitted: Nov. 8, 2016 | Language: it
Keywords Immigration Women • Language • Integration • Isolation • Migratory Processes
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