Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Volume 26 | Edited book | Blended Learning and the Global South

Blended Learning and the Global South

Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Giovanna Carloni - Università degli Studi di Urbino «Carlo Bo», Italia - email
  • Christopher Fotheringham - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa - email
  • Anita Virga - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa - email
  • Brian Zuccala - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa - email


This volume collects a series of theoretical and practical interventions in the area of blended learning globally. It aims to present pedagogues working in higher education contexts in the developing world with models of successful blended learning initiatives designed and implemented by committed educators working with student bodies characterised by unequal access to technology and connectivity. The twelve individual chapters of this volume are an invaluable practical resource for educators but when taken as a whole the collection provides a counter to commonplace beliefs about blended learning originating within the institutions of wealthy countries. It offers theoretical, material and socially grounded currents for thinking about the place of blended learning in the Global South and is a work of resistance to pedagogical epistemologies with ‘first world’ and neoliberal biases.

Keywords HumanitiesStudentsPre-service teachersDigitalPedagogyComputer assisted instructionInstitutional cultureE-learningGender equalityItalian as a second languageTeachingText-writingE-portfoliosEnglish literatureTranslationVideo game-based learningGamificationFrench foreign languageOppressedPeerinstructionReading posturesGlobal citizenshipJust-in-time teachingLearning management systemsOnlineDigital educational TechnologyEducational changePeer-centred cycleFlipped classroomSecond language acquisitionReflective teachingIntercultural encountersForeign language teachingHigher educationGame-based learningDigital portfoliosComputer assisted language learningDeep readingVirtual exchangeLiterary analysisActive citizenshipInstructional designIntercultural citizenshipOnline learningLanguage learningIntercultural competenceBlended learningReciprocal peer learningStudent-centred learningEmailTelecollaborationFormative assessmenteTandemDistance learningItalianVirtual learning environmentsDigital stories

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-529-2 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Sept. 6, 2021 | Language en


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Table of contents