Series | Antiquity Studies
Volume 31 | Edited book | ΦΑΙΔΙΜΟΣ ΕΚΤΩΡ


Studies in Honour of Willy Cingano for his 70th Birthday
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Enrico Emanuele Prodi - University of Oxford, UK - email
  • Stefano Vecchiato - Independent researcher - email

The volume collects thirty-six essays honouring Ettore (‘Willy’) Cingano, Professor of Greek Language and Literature at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Current and former colleagues, students, and friends have contributed new studies on various aspects of Classical antiquity to celebrate his seventieth birthday. The work consists of seven main sections, mirroring and complementing Willy’s research interests. We start with the subjects to which Willy has contributed the most during his career, early Greek hexameter poetry (chapters 2-6: Calame, Coward, Currie, Meliadò, Sider) and lyric, broadly intended (chapters 7-15: Spelman, Cannatà Fera, Le Meur, Prodi, Tosi, Vecchiato, Hadjimichael, D’Alessio and Prauscello, de Kreij). Next come tragedy (Lomiento, Dorati), Hellenistic and later Greek poetry (Perale, Hunter, Bowie, Franceschini), historiographical and other Greek prose (Andolfi, De Vido, Gostoli, Cohen-Skalli, Kaczko), Latin poetry (Barchiesi, Garani, Mastandrea, Mondin), and finally linguistics and the history of scholarship, ancient and modern (Benuzzi, Cassio, Giangiulio, Guidorizzi, Tribulato). The volume is bookended by a collection of translations from medieval and modern Greek poetry (Carpinato) and a reflection on the dynamic aspect of the sublime (Schiesaro).

Keywords EschatologyIphigeniaCorinthian vasesCarthage and Alexandria in the AeneidVirgilAeschylusHellenisticOracular poetryAssParthenopaeusEpithetsSocratesGlaucus of RhegiumPriapusPlatoXenophonEuphroniusSexual meaningSicilyAeschinesAlcibiadesEpicGarlandGreek LiteratureKitharōidiaPragmaticsEtymologyAphroditeAelianAsclepiadesRitualAntinoupolisBoeotian dialectChristian poetryPoetry and religionAntigonePerioikoiRomanceFragmentary poetryIbycusTragedyPope John VIITyphonomachyEtymologicaPythian ApolloLinguisticsMagicByzantine RomeAusoniusRoman epic and politicsAuthorshipDelphic verse oraclesSophoclesHomerReperformanceHesiodic Catalogue of WomenPSI X 1174HexameterAthenaeusGreek PoetryAncient scholarshipAristophanic scholiaFunerary epigramCollectionApollonios MalakosSecond SophisticGreek epigramTheognisElegyEumenidesAlcmanMetaphorsHomeric HymnsVerbal adjectivesMetric-rhythmic variationHomeric hymnOxyrhynchusLyric poetryHermesVolcanismCritical editionsAncient RhetoricNarratologyProgrammaticCarmina Latina Epigraphica 1395LonginusAnthropologyCyreneHeraclides of PontusIntertextualityThe Greek WestμάχλοςCatalogue of WomenNarrativeFreudTextual historyCleopatraμαχλοσύνηText and imageFolkloreCorinnaCallimachusDionysusStraboCyprusDictys of CreteEveniusA personal anthology of modern Greek poems (from DDares the PhrygianIliadPlutarch’s De musicaAulōidiaEarly Greek hexameter poetryAudienceEratosthenes’ CatasterismoiAntiatticistHesiodHyginus’ AstronomicaLexicographyAncient exegesis of comedySublimePoetryEpitaphs of animalsPsByzantine poetryCivil wars at RomeKnowledgeMount EtnaLatin LiteratureSacrificeVenusHerodotusOdysseyAristophanesRhodesSecond stasimonTragic ironyPoetic allusivityDidactic poetryTheban sagaDidymusTrojan WarAristocracyAlexandrian scholarshipLyric PoetryAugustusProseAspasiaFrazerHedylusBookAmphiarausPrometheus BoundComparativesPapyrologyAncient receptionErotodidaxisHerodicusHomeric modelHecataeus of MiletusMelampousInscribed Greek verseCaesarionLocal traditionsAdespotaCursePindarEpicleseisHeraclesPlaton curapalatesEpigramSolonAncient readershipHuman errorCodexMoiraiPyrwiasEpiplokeGreek PopesBody doublesAtalantaLate Latin epigramsimpersonationDancersPoseidippusEnunciationCommentary

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-548-3 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-549-0 | Number of pages 612 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 16, 2021 | Accepted June 23, 2021 | Submitted May 17, 2021 | Language fr, en, it