Bibliotheca Trimalchionis Tertia Studi filologici e letterari sull’Asia e sull’Africa

Series | Bibliotheca Trimalchionis Tertia
Monograph | The Subtle Meaning
Chapter | 3 • The Predicative Relationship (isnād-i ḫabarī)

3 • The Predicative Relationship (isnād-i ḫabarī)


This chapter, part of a series of eight, each of which addresses a different topic within the Persian science of meanings (ʿilm-i maʿānī), examines the ‘predicative relationship’ (isnād-i ḫabarī), i.e. the relation a speaker establishes between a predicand (musnad ilayh) and a predicate (musnad) to form an informative utterance. It explores how the speaker evaluates various parameters, including the attitude of the addressee, to adapt his utterance to the requirements of the situation. It also suggests that, in appropriate contexts, the speaker may go against the outward requirements of the situation. Manipulations that go against what one would typically predict in a given situation are often meant to gain more subtle meanings.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 30, 2023 | Accepted: Jan. 10, 2024 | Published Feb. 27, 2024 | Language: en

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