Series | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Edited book | La tradizione prosimetrica in volgare da Dante a Bembo
Chapter | Ancora sulla Nicolosa bella: novità sul testo e sull’interpretazione

Ancora sulla Nicolosa bella: novità sul testo e sull’interpretazione


he paper returns to reflect on a case of the literary tradition of the mid-fifteenth century which is still the subject of discussion. La Nicolosa bella – the prosimetrum commonly attributed to Gianotto Calogrosso and known in the edition published in 1959 by Franco Gaeta and Raffaele Spongano – is here the subject of fresh investigation, aimed, on the one hand, to evaluate the authorship of Calogrosso and, on the other, to examine the macrostructure and consistency of the corpus and the peculiarities of the individual texts.

Open access

Submitted: March 6, 2024 | Accepted: April 4, 2024 | Published July 17, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Nicolosa bellaGianotto CalogrossoProsimetrumPetrarchismAuthorship

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