Series | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Edited book | La tradizione prosimetrica in volgare da Dante a Bembo
Chapter | Sannazaro e la scelta del prosimetro: riflessi sulla tradizione manoscritta

Sannazaro e la scelta del prosimetro: riflessi sulla tradizione manoscritta


The essay examines the manuscript tradition of Iacopo Sannazaro’s Arcadia, focusing mainly on the codices that contain only the poems (eclogues) of the prosimetrum. By studying this specific group of incomplete manuscripts, it becomes possible to reveal the attitudes of copyists and readers towards such a revolutionary work in which the pastoral genre and the prosimetric structure are combined. Finally, I seek to explain why Sannazaro opted for this particular form.

Open access

Submitted: March 18, 2024 | Accepted: April 8, 2024 | Published July 17, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Iacopo SannazaroPastoral poetryEcloguesCopyistsManuscript tradition

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