Axon Iscrizioni storiche greche

Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 3 | 1 | 2019
Research Article | Votive Inscription by Archinos in the Sanctuary of Oropos

Votive Inscription by Archinos in the Sanctuary of Oropos


Pentelic marble table with a brief dedicatory inscription of a patient, Archinos, found in the Amphiaraos sanctuary in Oropos during the excavations of Leonardos. The pinax, in relief, shows three significant moments of the postulant’s stay in the shrine. The narration begins on the left, where Amphiaraos is represented (with greater size if compared to the patient) intent to intervene with an instrument on Archinos’ right shoulder. Below is a scene of enkoimeterion, where Archinos, lying on a kline, is overhung by the sacred snake and touched on the right shoulder. The third image of the patient represents him at the right end of the pinax and seems to be looking and pointing at the votive table on the stele with his right hand: it is an offer as a sign of gratitude to the god.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 26, 2019 | Accepted: April 25, 2019 | Published June 28, 2019 | Language: it

Keywords EnkoimeterionLeonardosAnfiaraoOropoArchino

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