Journal |
Journal issue | 5 | 1 | 2021
Research Article | Decree for the Descendants of the Gamoroi from the Area of Palazzolo Acreide
Decree engraved on a bronze tablet in a fragmentary state found in the area of Palazzolo Acreide and now preserved at the Metropolitan Museum. The text reports mention of a series of privileges (ateleia/isoteleia; enktesis) granted to an individual or a group by another polis (now lost) in which the group of gamoroi – known from the sources as landowners belonging to the Syracusan aristocracy – must have had a central role. The decree has been dated by most scholars between 491 and 485. However, from the palaeographic point of view, there are several elements that would allow us to date it to the end of the 6th century BC.
Submitted: April 7, 2021 | Accepted: May 6, 2021 | Published June 30, 2021 | Language: it
Keywords Palazzolo Acreide • Gamoroi • Doric dialect • Decree • Ipparcos • Kasmenai • Enktesis • Syracuse • Lamina • Ateleia
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