JoLMA The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts

Journal | JoLMA
Journal issue | 5 | 2 | 2024

The Dark Side of Being: On What There is Not

open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Filippo Casati - Lehigh University - email
  • Filippo Costantini - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email

In contrast to Quine’s (meta-)ontology and his preference for desert landscapes, recent years have seen a renewed interest in ‘non-being’: non-existent entities, mere possibilia, negative properties, negative facts, absences, nothingness, voids, holes, etc. Interest in the category of non-being is not limited to ontology but has also found applications in the philosophy of mind, particularly regarding the role intentionality plays in relation to non-entities and the problem of perceiving absences. Additionally, it has influenced the philosophy of art, especially in discussions about absence art – i.e., art that features absences as aesthetic objects. This issue of JoLMA highlights the richness of the topic by presenting eight fresh papers that range from metaphysics, ontology, and epistemology, to philosophy of language, aesthetics, and philosophy of mind. 

Keywords AdornoMetaphysical GroundingPerception of absencesBeingKant’s table of nothingModerate perceptualismCognitivismnonidentityEmpty string(Modal) noneismMetacognitivismEliminativist error theoriesBe missingNon-existent objectsAbsenceSemanticsAbsence CausationMillares<p>AbsenceEmpty quotationLackInformalismAristotle’s homonymyNothingnessNāgārjunaRadical perceptualismabsenceabsolute nothingnessFictional objectsNuclear propertiesNon-Beingmixed-medianegative nothingness</p>Pictorial abscencesMixed quotationCharacterization PrincipleOstensive definitionReported speechVerbs of absence

Permalink | Published Dec. 11, 2024 | Language en