Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Wine Cultures
Chapter | Introduction


This volume represents the main outcome of the MALIWI project, a research project lasting 24 months (2021-2023), funded by Ca’ ­Foscari University of Venice through a SPIN (Supporting Principal Investigators) Grant. The project aimed to analyse the cultural exchanges in the Gandhāran area through the lens of wine culture. A long-term study (from Achaemenid to Kushan ages, ca. VI BC-III AD), in an interdisciplinary perspective, was an urgent desideratum. Hence, the project has collected evidence on winemaking and consumption, starting from an interdisciplinary approach in order to trace the production techniques and the social and convivial uses of wine as well as changing, overlapping and métissage of cultures in the Gandhāran area. A novelty of the project was to bring together two scientific fields that are academically separated in Italy: Classical and Indological studies. Therefore, the project pursued research in both fields, putting them in constant dialogue with each other.

Open access

Published Oct. 8, 2024 | Language: en

Keywords GandhāraDrinking cultureIndo-GreeksWineAlcohol

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