Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 8 | 2024
Research Article | Attic Decree on the Duties of the Demarch

Attic Decree on the Duties of the Demarch

The inscription is a decree maybe from the Attic deme of Myrrhinous. The duties and tasks of the demarch seem to be at the centre of the deliberation, which concerns three main themes: the annual euthynai of the outgoing demarch, the lending of sacred money, and the sacrifices for which the demarch was responsible. The epigraph thus allows us to reflect on the functioning of the deme administration, and at the same time it highlights the demarch’s various responsibilities in the political, administrative and religious field.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 29, 2023 | Accepted: March 19, 2024 | Published June 24, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Deme assemblyAttic demesDemarchMyrrhinousAttica

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