Journal |
Monographic journal issue | 2 | 2 | 2023
Research Article | Neoconservatives’ Reading of Catholic Social Teaching
Pope John Paul II’s 1991 publication of the encyclical Centesimus Annus sparked a lively debate that lasted for years. Neoconservative Catholics promptly showed great enthusiasm for the encyclical, which they saw as the Church finally embracing economic liberalism. On the other hand, progressive Catholics rejected the neoconservative analysis and put an entirely different interpretation on the encyclical. This article examines some of the main neocon interpretations of John Paul II’s social thinking, primarily focusing on the encyclical Centesimus Annus. We consider the analyses of Michael Novak and Richard Neuhaus, who show partisan bias in their interpretation of Centesimus Annus. John Paul II’s encyclical soon became a battlefield on which the conflict between neoconservative and progressive Catholics was played out, and a landmark in the debate on Catholic social teaching and its various interpretations.
Submitted: Sept. 8, 2022 | Accepted: April 2, 2023 | Published Oct. 31, 2023 | Language: en
Keywords Richard Neuhaus • Neoconservative Catholics • Catholic Social Teaching • United States • John Paul II • Michael Novak
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