Journal |
Journal issue | Num. 41 (n.s.) - Giugno 2023 - Fasc. 1
Research Article | Preliminary Study of the MS Atheniensis EBE 1089, with Notes on the Manuscript Traditions and the Texts of Phrynicus’s Ecloga and Merides’ Lessicus
This paper offers a preliminary study of MS Atheniensis EBE 1089, a neglected lexicographic and grammatical miscellany consisting of several different sections, to be dated between the 13th and the 15th century. Among other texts, this manuscript transmits Phrynichus’ Eclogue and Moeris’ Lexicon. After providing a survey of the contents of this codex, the first part of the article deals with some of its main material features, with a description of its different sections and the scribes who copied them. Additionally, it is argued that the codex as a whole was the product of a single ‘editorial’ project carried out by a certain Μᾶρκος, active in the middle of the 16th century. The second part of the article offers a philological analysis of the folios containing the lexica of Phrynichus and Moeris; that gave the occasion to develop some new thoughts on their texts and manuscript traditions.
Submitted: July 7, 2022 | Accepted: March 9, 2023 | Published Aug. 4, 2023 | Language: it
Keywords Phrynichus • Greek manuscripts • Moeris • Greek grammarians • Greek lexicography
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