Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 38 | 104 | 2015

38 | 104 | 2015

open access | peer reviewed

Keywords FranciosiniLiterary relationships Italy-SpainFictionWritersSpanish poetryMachado de AssisPaco RocaDiego de SaavedraTranslationMass mediaLiterary criticismMediationVirgilio PiñeraDocumentaryFreedom of speechIberian ruralityMovie-essay1950’s 1960’sElvira LindoVisual poetryTitleGenresAlzheimer's diseaseQuijoteGregorio Mayans19th CenturyAversion for dictatorshipsDeconstructionGertrudis Gómez de AvellanedaFirst ChapterRepública literariaBook-objectBibliographyMemórias póstumas de Brás CubasCorrespondenceBasque literatureRelationship between migrants and nativesAndrés BarbaFirst homagePublishing historyLiterary systemCuban literatureThe SeventiesDemystification

Permalink | Published Dec. 1, 2015 | Language ca, es, en, pt, it