4. Submit your proposal for the peer review

Upload of the final text for the peer review
  1. If the proposal you submitted, as indicated in the previous steps, has been accepted, the Scientific Direction will register you on the publishing platform and send you an email containing the instructions on how to access.
  2. The uploading of the article must take place exclusively through the platform and at that time it must be fully compliant with the Editorial guidelines.
  3. Only the journal’s Scientific Direction can register authors in the platform and create their personal profiles. To access the personal area, users need:
    • an e-mail address;
    • a password of their choice, chosen at the time of their first login;
    • a role they can choose from a drop down menu.
  4. Before submitting their article, authors are required to verify that:
    • the article complies with the editorial and layout guidelines;
    • the article is totally anonymised, without any direct or indirect reference to their identity both within the body text and the file settings;
    • the file is exclusively in a .docx version.
  5. Upload and confirmation:
    • you need to fill in the upload form, taking care to enter all the required information: title, subtitle (if any), abstract, keywords;
    • once uploaded, you will receive a confirmation email;
    • your paper will undergo a double blind peer review, carried out by two reviewers selected by the Scientific Direction from subject-matter experts.
  6. ECF uses the Compilatio software, made available by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, for an anti-plagiarism check. If the check gives a positive result, the Scientific Direction will be informed and will contact the author for the necessary further information. In the event that the presence of content attributable to forms of plagiarism is confirmed, the publication will be blocked. Any reports of plagiarism received after the online publication, if confirmed, will entail the removal of the article.
Communication of the outcome and end of the process

  1. At the end of the evaluation process, the duration of which varies from journal to journal, you will receive an email with the communication of the outcome and any requests that you will find described on the next page 5. Scientific certification.
  2. Once the process has been definitively concluded and your document fully reviewed, the editing and type-setting phases will be carried out by the ECF editorial team, as described on page 6. Editorial workflow.

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