A Comparative Reading to Move Beyond a Historiographic Paradigm
The Approach to the Protection of Artistic and Archaeological Heritage in the Kingdoms of Naples and Spain in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century
The essay reconsiders a historiographic paradigm that often tends to emphasise the role of the discovery of Herculaneum and Pompeii in the affirmation of a generalised interest in the protection of antiquities, and the reflection it had in Spain, in the years that saw the alternation of a sole sovereign, Charles of Bourbon. With this purpose, it proposes a comparative reading of the ways of considering the archaeological heritage that characterised the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Spain in the Neapolitan years of the sovereign (1734-59) and in those immediately following his transfer to Madrid (1759-61).
Keywords: Protection of cultural heritage • Pompeii • Herculaneum • Heritage • Kingdom of Naples • Carlos III • Kingdom of Spain