Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Volume 34 | Edited book | L’esperienza Uni4Justice e le prospettive future

L’esperienza Uni4Justice e le prospettive future

Le ricerche del team di Ca’ Foscari
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Stefano Campostrini - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - email
  • Roberto Senigaglia - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile


This book contains the main results achieved by the Ca’ Foscari University Venice research group in the context of the Uni4justice Project financed by the Ministry of Justice, in which several universities of the North-East of Italy have participated, as well as all the Courts. The overall objective of the project was to support and implement, through research actions and training, the innovation introduced with the establishment of a new working unit in the Italian Judicial Offices. A broader reflection about Italian justice, useful to direct future policies, was a secondary aim of this project. This is motivated by the fact that the judicial system is being reformed in the context of the NPRR, where the main focus is on the reduction of the disposition time and the backlog.

Keywords Good practicesRecognitionCivil laImmigrationGeneral managerUPP officersadoptionjudicial statisticsBank’s governanceApplied researchPivotsDirectors’ liabilityLaw nRefugeeJudicial backlogPolicy evaluationInternational adoption184/1983Uni4justiceBacklogSeriousnessJudicial indicatorsPolicy implementationExclusionData-driven approachJudicial systemLenght of proceedings(Non Political) CrimeUni4JusticeIndustrial property rightsQualitative researchIncrease of efficiencyPunitive damages337 ter cCompensation of damagesDifficultiesReasonable royaltySurveyEvaluationAdded valuecBoard of directorsChild supportCriteria for quantifying damagesITItalian legal systemChairman of the bankEmployment of UPP officersCase-weighting systemNew calculation methodsForeign adoption

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-765-4 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-766-1 | Published Dec. 7, 2023 | Language it