Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Volume 41 | Monograph | Modelling the Rhythm of Neolithisation Between the Carpathians and the Dnieper River

Modelling the Rhythm of Neolithisation Between the Carpathians and the Dnieper River

open access | peer reviewed

This book forms part of contemporary research on the interaction between migratory early farmers of Anatolian origin and European hunter-gatherers. In southern Eastern Europe, these two ways of life coexisted for thousands of years, resulting in a wide variety of configurations and patterns. Therefore, this part of the prehistory of southern Eastern Europe is of general European importance, providing comparative material for the study of Neolithisation and offering a different perspective to illuminate the possible variants of historical development and better identify the social structures behind the differences.

Keywords Bayesian modellingEarly farmersCeramic hunter-gatherersMicroregional approachRadiocarbon chronology

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-851-4 | Number of pages 230 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published Dec. 6, 2024 | Accepted June 12, 2024 | Submitted Nov. 22, 2023 | Language en


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