Journal |
Journal issue | 3 | 1 | 2019
Research Article | The Arbitration Between Samos and Priene for the Possession of Batinetis
The stele, found in Samos in 1750, bears the official letter with which Lysimachus I communicated to Samos the verdict of his arbitration to settle the conflict arisen between this city and Priene for the control over the Batinetis. The inscription, dating back to 283-282 BC, illustrates one stage of the territorial disputes between the rival cities that continued until the Roman age, and fits in the rich epigraphic context gathered on the temple walls of Athena Polias in Priene. The reasons that led the king to award the Batinetis to Samos date back to the distant past of the poleis of Asia, up to the Meliac war, when a coalition of twelve Ionic cities destroyed Melie and split up its territory.
Submitted: Feb. 1, 2019 | Accepted: March 14, 2019 | Published June 28, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Samo • Guerra meliaca • Arbitrato • Lisimaco • Batinetide • Priene • Epistola ufficiale
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