Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 37 | 101 | 2014
Research Article | Do Words Exist?

Do Words Exist?

The Role of Morphology in Today’s Grammar


The recent publication of two reference books about Spanish morphology (Aguirre 2013 and Fábregas 2013) shows the interest raised by this discipline in the field of Spanish linguistics. This note reviews some morphological notions, taking as starting point Aguirre’s work. We notice that she works with an undercovered ‘lexicalist’ notion of word. We find her treatment of productivity and, specially, of the connection between morphology and mind highly innovative and interesting. Only extralinguistic evidence might shed some light in the vexed question of the existence and nature of the basic unit of morphosyntax: the word.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Published June 9, 2014 | Language: es

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