Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Paulo maiora canamus
Capitolo | Per le future edizioni del testo della Historia Augusta

Per le future edizioni del testo della Historia Augusta


This paper presents partial results of a wider codicological study of the Historia Augusta manuscript tradition: it aims to shed new light on the historical relationships between the Palatine codex and a second family of fourteenth and fifteenth-century manuscripts, known as Σ. It offers new documentary evidence of what has been ignored or underestimated so far by scholars, with the purpose to show not only the independence of such a group of testimonies but also their usefulness for the restitutio textus.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 23 Aprile 2021 | Accettato: 26 Luglio 2021 | Pubblicato 14 Dicembre 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords Late antiquityTextual criticismHistoria AugustaManuscript traditionMisplacements

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