Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Narratives of Violence
Chapter | L’escriptora i els guerrillers

L’escriptora i els guerrillers

Caminant amb els camarades, d’Arundhati Roy


Arundhati Roy’s Walking with the Comrades (2010) is a controversial oeuvre. It is the story of the writer’s long march with young Naxalite guerrillas through the forests of India. Roy narrates the struggle of the militias to defend their natural habitat from the plunder of government and corporations, and shows the richness of their tribal culture, which is in danger of being annihilated. Despite the fact that in India the work has been censured, this chapter will present four arguments to promote it among youth, especially in the global North. This chapter aims to prove that reading Walking with the Comrades can contribute to the formation of a critical citizenship, better equipped to build new political imaginaries, more egalitarian and respectful of all forms of life and habitats.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 12, 2021 | Accepted: May 17, 2021 | Published Oct. 21, 2021 | Language: ca

Keywords PrecariousnessRespectIndiaPolitical violenceSustainabilityYouthReadingGuerrillasHuman rights

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