Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 42 | 112 | 2019
Research Article | The Use of Literature as Ethnographic Material: Reading Maria Barbal’s Stone in a Landslide

The Use of Literature as Ethnographic Material: Reading Maria Barbal’s Stone in a Landslide


This article offers the communication presented at the Conference “The Social Dimension of Literature. Concerning Maria Barbal’s Stone in a Landslide”, held in Barcelona in October 2018. The objective is to show the ethnographic value of literature, based on the author’s own experience of using literary works to teach Social and Cultural Anthropology at Barcelona Autonomous University. The text is divided into two parts: first, a brief approximation is made to the relation between Anthropology and Literature, to later explain the utility of literary texts as complementary ethnographic materials, by focusing on the use of Barbal’s novel Stone in a Landslide for the Author’s course in Anthropology of Spain.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Jan. 31, 2019 | Accepted: Sept. 18, 2019 | Published Dec. 4, 2019 | Language: ca

Keywords Literary AnthropologyTeaching AnthropologyAntropologia i docènciaEthnographyLiteraturaLiteratureMaria Barbal| EtnografiaAntropologia literària

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