
Collana | Antichistica
Miscellanea | Paulo maiora canamus
Capitolo | Servio in Epigr. Bob. 45 e 62?

Servio in Epigr. Bob. 45 e 62?

Possibili tracce dell’esegesi virgiliana tardoantica nella Silloge Bobbiese


The anonymous auctor of Epigr. Bob. 62 may have based his translation of Hesiod. fr. 304 Merkelbach-West (= 171 Rzach) on the version of Verg. georg. 2.293-7 passed down from Servius auctus. Such an example sheds light on the general influence that the Late Antique Vergilian exegesis had on the Bobbian Sylloge.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 10 Maggio 2021 | Accettato: 26 Luglio 2021 | Pubblicato 14 Dicembre 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords IntertextualityServius auctusEpigrammata BobiensiaVergilian traditionAusonius

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