Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Human Translation and Natural Language Processing
Chapter | Littératie de la traduction automatique (TA) neuronale et traduction spécialisée : s’approprier les outils de la TA au travers de projets de recherche interdisciplinaires

Littératie de la traduction automatique (TA) neuronale et traduction spécialisée : s’approprier les outils de la TA au travers de projets de recherche interdisciplinaires


We present a set of approaches to facilitate the integration of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) in teaching and research favouring an interdisciplinary perspective. The study suggests that a nuanced comparison of NMT generated translations requires translation experts to move from passive consumption to active participation in the construction of controlled models. This transition requires an understanding of the fundamentals of NMT, which calls for changes in pedagogical models to promote digital literacy while maintaining the standards of professional translation education in line with translation competence frameworks.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 14, 2023 | Accepted: Oct. 4, 2023 | Published Dec. 7, 2023 | Language: FR

Keywords Translation competence frameworkNMT specialisationTranslation workflowNMT toolkitsNMT literacy

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