Studi e ricerche

Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Human Translation and Natural Language Processing
Chapter | Investigating the Usability of Automatic Metrics for Characterizing Translated vs Post-edited Texts in the Post-editing Classroom to Further Students’ MT Literacy

Investigating the Usability of Automatic Metrics for Characterizing Translated vs Post-edited Texts in the Post-editing Classroom to Further Students’ MT Literacy


In order to foster professional attitudes towards machine translation (MT) among translation trainees, learners need to understand the limits of the technology and the scope for human intervention in MT-enhanced workflows, as well as the impact MT use has on the end product. Using a corpus of post-edited and translated texts produced by Master’s students in translation, this paper investigates the usability and value of automatic metrics as a pedagogical tool in the post-editing classroom for characterizing post-edited texts in comparison with human translation, and suggests a practical exercise for enhancing MT literacy in translation training.

Open access

Submitted: July 14, 2023 | Published Dec. 7, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Human translationAutomatic metricsPost-editingMachine translationMT literacyTranslator training

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