Series |
Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Human Translation and Natural Language Processing
Chapter | La traduction à l’ère numérique : Histoire, évolution et perspectives de la rencontre entre la traduction et l’intelligence artificielle
This article analyses the long history of the relationship between translation and digital technologies, from the first attempts to build machine translation systems to the evolution of language and translation in the digital age. The deep relationship between translation and digital technologies has been fruitful and has generated fascinating perspectives for linguistics, and it is also due to the fact that the questions at the heart of translation practice and theory have much in common with those posed by research into Artificial Intelligence. The current evolution of translation is directly linked to that of digital tools, computing, and Artificial intelligence, and this will be all the more true in the future, and although most attempts to predict the results of this interaction have failed in the past, this article will try to trace a few lines of research that are beginning to emerge, or that could be envisaged for the future.
Submitted: May 22, 2023 | Published Dec. 7, 2023 | Language: fr
Keywords Artificial Intelligence • Digital tools • Translation • Digital Humanities • Machine Translation
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