Home > Catalogue > English Literature > 5 | 2018

Vol. 5 | December 2018


Language: it, en

Published: Dec. 17, 2018

Copyright: © 2018 This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Table of contents

Adaptations, Especially (but not Only) in Cinema
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  • file_download 41 download
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  • file_download 236 download
The Visual Poetics of Marleen Gorris in Mrs. Dalloway
Polina Rybina   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 40 download
The Construction of Otherness and its Ideological Stakes in the Films O and Omkara
Andrei Nae   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 67 download
Tom McCarthy’s Remainder as an Archeology of the Present
Alessandra Violi   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 48 download
Passions, Emotions and Cognition in Eighteenth-Century Literature (Part 2)
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  • file_download 5 download
The Limits of Sentiment
Karin Kukkonen   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 35 download
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  • file_download 86 download
John Locke, Aphra Behn, and Jane Austen
Aleksondra Hultquist   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 64 download
Coleridge’s Fears in Solitude and the French Invasion of Fishguard in 1797
Ildiko Csengei   
Dec. 17, 2018
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  • file_download 134 download