The maximum length of manuscripts cannot exceed 50,000 characters each (including spaces and references).
Manuscripts must include one abstract (max. 650 characters, spaces included) and a list of keywords (at least 5).
Only footnotes are allowed. Endnotes cannot be used. Internal cross-references are not accepted. References to notes must always be placed after punctuation.
Citations of books and articles
All bibliographical citations should go in a footnote and should consist of the author’s last name, year of publication and relevant pages, sections, figures etc. (e.g., Milano 1990, 33-48); please give exact page references, not “ff.” or “f.”.
In case of two or three authors, names should be separated by a comma (e.g., Lebeau, Suleiman 2003, 33-48). In case of more than three authors, please use “et al.” (e.g. Milano et al. 1999, 115-38).
Full citations should appear only in the final Bibliography section.
The entries are listed in alphabetical order and, within the same Author, in historical sequence (oldest to newest publication). The Author’s name is repeated in each entry.
Each occurrence in the bibliography must provide all information (and only those) necessary for the reader to find the exact work consulted by the Author.
The bibliographic entry for a miscellany or a work by an unknown Author must be indexed by the editor’s name, followed by the indication ‘edited by’ in round parentheses (in the original language of the cited publication).
The following list represents the information that should always be present in a bibliographic entry:
- Author’s surname in full, author’s name abbreviated (or curator, institution for it). In case of two or more authors, they should be separated by a semicolon.
- Date of publication (year)
- Completed title, and subtitle (if any)
- Total number of volumes or number of consulted volume (if any)
- Data of publication (place of edition and publisher or journal name and number)
- Page number
- DOI or URL for electronic sources.
Print Book: Last Name, First Name [of Author, curator, institution etc.] (date of publication). Title. Subtitle. Second creator [translator, illustrator, curator etc.]. Place of publication: Publisher. Notes. Series.
- Watanabe, C.E. (2001). Animal Symbolism in Mesopotamia. A Contextual Approach. Wien: Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien. Wiener Offene Orientalistik 1.
- Lebeau, M; Suleiman, A. (eds) (2003). Tell Beydar, the 1995 to 1999 Seasons of Excavations. A Preliminary Report. Turnhout: Brepols. Subartu 10.
- Milano, L. et al. (eds) (1999). Landscapes. Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East. Padua: Sargon. History of the Ancient Near East / Monographs 3/2.
Electronic Book: Last Name, First Name (date of publication). Title. Subtitle. Secondary creator. Place of publication: Publisher. Notes. Series. DOI or URL.
- Undine, L.; Herzog, I. (Hrsgg.) (2016). 3D-Anwendungen in der Archäologie. Computeranwendungen und quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie. Workshop der AG CAA und des Exzellenzclusters Topoi 2013. Berlin: Edition Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 34.
Articles in Paper Journal: Last Name, First Name (date of publication). “Title. Subtitle”. Journal, no. vol.(no. dossier.) *Arabic numbers*, pages. Notes. DOI or URL.
- Englund, R.K. (2002). “The Ur III Collection of the CMAA”. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2002(1).
Essay in Paper Miscellany: Last Name, First Name (date of publication). “Title. Subtitle”. Last Name, First Name (ed. [in the publication language]), Title Miscellany. Place of publication: Publisher, pages. Notes. Series.
- Waetzoldt, H. (1984). “‘Diplomaten’, Boten, Kaufleute und verwandtes in Ebla”. Cagni, L. (a cura di), Il bilinguismo a Ebla = Atti del convegno internazionale (Napoli, 19-22 aprile 1982). Napoli: Tipografia Don Bosco, 405-37. Istituto Universitario Orientale. Seminario di Studi Asiatici. Series Minor 22.
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All figures must have a caption, in the form of “Figure *number*”, ending with no final punctuation mark. Captions should follow the figures they refer to and contain all the available information, according to the following scheme: Figure 1. Author, Title. Year. Technical/Support/Material, Measures. Place, Institution, Location. Source of figure, copyright [no final punctuation mark].
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