Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 47 | 121 | 2024
Research Article | “Quieta la voz”. Transcription, Reproduction and Edition of Two Unpublished Poems of Valverde, 20, by Antonio Gala

“Quieta la voz”. Transcription, Reproduction and Edition of Two Unpublished Poems of Valverde, 20, by Antonio Gala

This article presents Antonio Gala’s most unknown facet: his poetry. To do this, firstly, a I present a current state of the art about how Gala has been presented in various stories of Spanish contemporary literature and on the dimensions of his lyric. Secondly I focus on the research carried out within the “Phonodia” group of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Thereby, not only the importance of Antonio Gala as a contemporary poet will be proven, but also the relevance of his poems in the framework of the relationships between voice and poetry through sound files, which allow to make known, even, as an unexpected discovery, two unpublished texts of Valverde, 20, whose reproduction, transcription and edition are offered, exclusively, in this article.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Oct. 27, 2023 | Accepted: Feb. 23, 2024 | Published June 13, 2024 | Language: es

Keywords PoemsRecordingsVoiceArchivos sonorosTextos inéditosUnpublished textsValverde, 20PhonodiaPoemasGrabacionesAntonio GalaSound filesVoz

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