Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 42 | 111 | 2019
Research Article | A Life Novel: El dolor de los demás, by Miguel Ángel Hernández

A Life Novel: El dolor de los demás, by Miguel Ángel Hernández


This article addresses the latest novel by Miguel Ángel Hernández, El dolor de los demás (2018), with the objective of studying it from a fourfold perspective. For this purpose, it analyses it thematically and formally, showing its condition as a memorial novel, not fictitious, criminal and metafictional.

Open access

Submitted: Feb. 14, 2019 | Published June 21, 2019 | Language: es

Keywords | Literatura española contemporáneaTrue CrimeNo ficciónMiguel Ángel HernándezContemporary Spanish literatureTrue crimeEl dolor de los demásNonfictionEl dolor los demás

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