Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 47 | 121 | 2024
Research Article | “It’s not a convention book for damsels”: Literature and Women at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

“It’s not a convention book for damsels”: Literature and Women at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

An Example from Feminal

Based on a specific case: a Luís Via review of Caires vius by Víctor Català (pseudonym of Caterina Albert i Paradís) published in 1907 in the Catalan magazine Feminal, this article aims to review two broader issues from the field of literary criticism with a gender perspective: first, the role of women’s magazines as an ambivalent space – alternative, but also ‘subaltern’ – in relation to a literary and publishing system characterized by male dominance; second, the ways in which the admission of women’s writing emerges as tension within this field of forces situated astride the nineteenth and twentieth century.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 5, 2024 | Accepted: March 19, 2024 | Published June 26, 2024 | Language: ca

Keywords Escriptura de donesVíctor CatalàHistòria de la críticaGender PerspectiveHistory of CriticismPremsa femeninaWomen’s writingEstudis de gènereMagazines for WomenFeminal

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