Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

Collana | Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | America: il racconto di un continente | América: el relato de un continente
Capitolo | Más allá del ʻinfierno verdeʼ y del ʻparaíso perdidoʼ

Más allá del ʻinfierno verdeʼ y del ʻparaíso perdidoʼ

Paisaje y perspectiva medioambiental en dos novelas amazónicas peruanas


The Western view of the Amazon rainforest landscape has been for a long time (and partly still is) functional to the colonial ideology and aimed at its natural resources exploitation. Since the colonial penetration, a whole set of myths was created, which crystallised in two stereotyped and opposed images. On the one hand, the Amazonian landscape as ʻgreen hellʼ; on the other, the forest as the Garden of Eden. This paper will approach the theme of landscape and the relationship between human being and nature through the analysis of two Peruvian novels: Paiche, by César Calvo de Araújo and La virgen del Samiria by Róger Rumrrill, which outline a reflection on environmental problems.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 06 Febbraio 2019 | Accettato: 26 Febbraio 2019 | Pubblicato 14 Maggio 2019 | Lingua: es

Keywords LandscapePaicheEnvironmentAmazonian literatureLa virgen del Samiria

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