Posting of Third Country Nationals from Slovenia
Safety and Health Concerns
Slovenia is one of the main sending states when it comes to posting of workers to provide services in the EU Member States. A significant percentage of those workers are third country nationals (TCN) coming from the Western Balkans countries, particularly from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The chapter first outlines the scale and characteristics of posting of workers from Slovenia based on the analysis of issued A1 forms and then moves on to explore the persistent trend of TCN posting, focusing primarily on safety and health concerns related to workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The discussion builds on the insights provided by representatives of the national policymaking and enforcement authorities, including ministries of labour, labour inspectorates and public employment agencies, posted workers, trade unions and employers’ organizations, NGOs, and research institutions in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Keywords: Slovenia • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Third country nationals • Occupational safety and health • Posting of workers