Axon Iscrizioni storiche greche

Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 1 | 1 | 2017
Research Article | Regulation for the Artemisia in Eretria

Regulation for the Artemisia in Eretria

The stele on which the regulation for the Artemisia in Eretria is inscribed was found in the deme of Avlonari. It is a text that was drawn up in the second half of the fourth century BC. The law provides the directions for the organisation of the musical agones to celebrate Artemis, who was the most important deity of the Eretrian pantheon.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 27, 2016 | Accepted: Nov. 6, 2016 | Published June 30, 2017 | Language: it

Keywords CalcidesiArtemideAteniesiAteneEretriaStraboneClitarcoAgoni musicaliAgoneAmarynthosPanatenee

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