Diaspore Quaderni di ricerca

Collana | Diaspore
Miscellanea | L’altro sono io | El otro soy yo
Capitolo | La literatura de los otros es mi propia literatura

La literatura de los otros es mi propia literatura


This essay attempts to reveal the sophisticated relations of texts, continuations, imitations and quotations between the first modern novel of western literature, Don Quixote de Cervantes, and its first continuation, Don Quixote de Avellaneda. It seems that there has been an autobiographical text by Gerónimo de Passamonte (hypothetically its author is Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda) before the first part of Don Quixote that served as a palimpsest to Cervantes. Avellaneda, whose identity is unknown to the reading public and known to Cervantes, answered him literarily with his continuation in 1614; in turn, Cervantes wrote the second part of his Don Quixote in 1615 and responded with literature to all his imitators and adversaries. In this way, the network of hypertextuality and intertextuality was established, which, like other literary techniques proposed by Cervantes, served as a model for many authors in the future.

Open access

Pubblicato 30 Aprile 2020 | Lingua: es

Keywords CervantesHypertextualityThe first modern novelDon QuixoteIntertextualityAvellaneda

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