Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | Iberian Studies. Dialogues from Italy
Chapter | Questioni di metodo: sulla differenza fra gerarchizzare e connettere
The crisis of Comparative Literature is a fact. Methodologically speaking, the trees of knowledge as hierarchical structures that made possible to understand universal literature as a balance of counterweights and mutual dependencies have collapsed. In the last thirty years, we are witnessing a change of epistemological paradigm. The construction of large self-sufficient cultures is giving way to a world based on communication and the ability to transmit knowledge. Weltliteratur is nothing more than a huge corpus of works that constantly interact and transform under the most diverse influences. These changes and their theoretical implications influenced notably the study and the relations between the literary cultures of the Iberian Peninsula.
Submitted: Oct. 20, 2020 | Accepted: Feb. 10, 2021 | Published July 5, 2021 | Language: it
Keywords Literatures of the Iberian Peninsula • World literature • Iberism • Communication • Crisis of Comparative Literature • Translation Studies
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