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Stuck and Exploited

Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy Between Exclusion, Discrimination and Struggles

a cura di

Francesco Della Puppa    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    

Giuliana Sanò    Università degli Studi di Messina, Italia    



This volume analyses exclusion processes, segregation dynamics and the forms of discrimination of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, where the reception system is marked by opaqueness and arbitrariness and is becoming increasingly similar to the model of “camps”. The numerous vibrant contributions present a fully-fledged system of inferiorization, characterised by labour exploitation, housing discomfort, meagre rights and control strategies, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a sharp worsening of the health, work, housing and administrative conditions. A framework that has found opposition in the daily resistance and in the struggles of asylum seekers.

27 Ottobre 2021
Copyright: © 2021 Francesco Della Puppa, Giuliana Sanò. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.


Part 1 • Reception or Exclusion?
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy between Exclusion, Discrimination and Struggles
Francesco Della Puppa    Giuliana Sanò   
27 Ottobre 2021
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A System with Many Shadows and Little Light
Gennaro Avallone   
27 Ottobre 2021
  • search 260 view
  • file_download 33 download
From Exclusion to Intercultural Relations in the Aftermath of Law Decree 113/2018 (Immigration and Security Decree)
Chiara Marchetti   
27 Ottobre 2021
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  • file_download 11 download
Undocumented Asylum Seekers and the Italian State
Stefano Pontiggia   
27 Ottobre 2021
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An Ethnographic Perspective on the Regularisation Processes
Devisri Nambiar    Serena Scarabello   
27 Ottobre 2021
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The Bologna Area in the Wake of Law 132/2018
Stefania Spada   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Reframing Unaccompanied Minors in Italy across Local Bologna Policies and Citizenship
Selenia Marabello    Maria Luisa Parisi   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Arrival, Transit and Reception Within an Internal Border Area
Serena Caroselli    Michela Semprebon   
27 Ottobre 2021
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A Reflexive Analysis of Practices Developed by the Third Sector and Civil Society in Trentino
Giulia Storato    Giuliana Sanò    Francesco Della Puppa   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Martina Pasqualetto    Fabio Perocco   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Part 2 • Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the COVID-19 Pandemic
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A Medical Perspective
Salvatore Geraci    Elisa Vischetti    Mario Affronti    Silvia Declich    Maurizio Marceca   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Expulsions, Restrictions, Administrative Extensions and Access to the ʻSurfacingʼ Procedure
Marco Ferrero    Chiara Roverso   
27 Ottobre 2021
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The Contradictory Outcomes of the 2020 Amnesty Law
Emanuela Dal Zotto    Martina Lo Cascio    Valeria Piro   
27 Ottobre 2021
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Immigration Policies and New Coronavirus in the Gioia Tauro Plain
Giovanni Cordova   
27 Ottobre 2021
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