Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | America: The Tale of a Continent
Chapter | Albert Bensoussan traductor de Mario Vargas Llosa al francés

Albert Bensoussan traductor de Mario Vargas Llosa al francés


The article focuses on Albert Bensoussan’s work as a translator of Mario Vargas Llosa’s narrative productions. French jew born in Algeria on April 8th 1935, one year before Mario Vargas Llosa, Albert Bensoussan is a French writer, translator and academic teacher, who became the official translator of Mario Vargas Llosa’s novels after his translation into French of Los cachorros (1974), and after his introduction to the French version of La ciudad y los perros (1966). The article focuses on the details of this remarkable collaboration between a writer and a translator, developed throughout 50 years of their friendship, and which has been essential for the diffusion in the French literary market of the works of Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize in 2010, and now member of the prestigious collection of La Pléiade at Gallimard Publishing House.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 6, 2019 | Accepted: Feb. 26, 2019 | Published May 14, 2019 | Language: es

Keywords Creative FriendshipTranslationMario Vargas LlosaReceptionAlbert Bensoussan

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