Edizioni Ca’ Foscari publishes digital journals and series with immediate Open Access, aiming to foster the free sharing of knowledge
Edizioni Ca’ Foscari publishes digital journals and series with immediate Open Access, aiming to foster the free sharing of knowledge
The Akkadian Great Hymns and Prayers
A Critical Edition of the Nabû and Ištar Prayers and a Study of the Corpus
Geraldina Rozzi
The Great Hymns and Prayers are a group of Akkadian literary compositions renowned for their sophisticated style and language. This book presents updated critical editions of the Great Prayer to Nabû and the Great Prayer to Ištar, incorporating new interpretations and newly discovered fragments for more accurate reconstructions. In addition to philological analysis, the book explores intertextual relationships with other literary and non-literary texts and provides an in-depth study of the poetics of the corpus.
The Great Hymns and Prayers are a group of Akkadian literary compositions renowned for their sophisticated style and language. This book presents updated critical editions of the Great Prayer to Nabû and the Great Prayer to Ištar, incorporating new interpretations and newly discovered fragments for more accurate reconstructions. In …
Insegnare la LIS e la LISt all’università
Esperienze, materiali, strumenti per la didattica e per la valutazione
edited by
Chiara Branchini Anna Cardinaletti Lara Mantovanabstract
La causalidad: una exploración multidisciplinar sobre los eventos causales
Andrea Ariño Bizarro
Modelling the Rhythm of Neolithisation Between the Carpathians and the Dnieper River
Dmytro Kiosak
Indexing the Early Modern Printed Image
A Digital Catalogue on the Illustrated Book in Lyon (1480-1600)
Barbara Tramelli
Rileggere le collezioni del Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
edited by
Simona Casonatoabstract
Gandhāra and Beyond
edited by
Claudia Antonetti Bryan De Notariis Marco Enricoabstract
The volume Wine Cultures. Gandhāra and Beyond represents the primary outcome of the MALIWI project (SPIN Ca’ Foscari 2021) directed by Claudia Antonetti. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this work seeks to explore the production techniques, social functions, and cultural significance of intoxicating drinks with particular reference to wine – an extraordinary beverage that has been intertwined with human history for millennia. This volume gathers contributions by scholars interested in studying wine and drinking culture in Gandhāra and neighbouring regions, including Ancient Assyria, Arachosia, and present-day India. The topic is explored from three fundamental perspectives, employing a diverse range of sources, including literary and historical texts, as well as linguistic, iconographic, archaeological, and anthropological evidence.
The volume Wine Cultures. Gandhāra and Beyond represents the primary outcome of the MALIWI project (SPIN Ca’ Foscari 2021) directed by Claudia Antonetti. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this work seeks to explore the production techniques, social functions, and cultural significance of intoxicating drinks with particular reference to wine – an …
The Satirical Drama and the ‘Fourth Drama’ in Greek Theatre
Laura Carrara
Marco Polo de Veniesia de le meravegliose cose del Mondo
Edizione anastatica dell’incunabolo impresso a Venezia da Giovanni Battista Sessa, 1496
Il Devisement dou monde è probabilmente l’opera della letteratura medievale che ha attraversato la più intricata vicenda testuale: scritto nel 1298 da Rustichello da Pisa, prigioniero insieme a Marco nelle carceri di Genova (in un francese fortemente mescidato da tratti italiani, riconoscibile nella sola copia rimasta, il cod. parigino fr. 1116: F), entro la prima metà del XIV secolo l’opera fu più volte tradotta in versioni che spesso sfiorano il radicale rimaneggiamento in toscano, veneziano, latino, francese, catalano, tedesco, ecc., producendo una ricchissima tradizione manoscritta e approdando precocemente alla stampa.
Il Devisement dou monde è probabilmente l’opera della letteratura medievale che ha attraversato la più intricata vicenda testuale: scritto nel 1298 da Rustichello da Pisa, prigioniero insieme a Marco nelle carceri di Genova (in un francese fortemente mescidato da tratti italiani, riconoscibile nella sola copia rimasta, il cod. parigino fr. …
L’Archivio dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Antonella Sattin
Dangerous Women, Ideology of the Polis and Gynecophobia in Athens
Marcella Farioli
Wisdom Between East and West: Mesopotamia, Greece and Beyond
edited by
Francesco Sironi Maurizio Vianoabstract
Constructing and Deconstructing the Human Figure in the Egyptian Funerary Tradition
Francesca Iannarilli
From Exploration to Exploitation
Giovanni Mariti, Domenico Sestini, Antonio Mondaini and the Early History of Cypriote Archaeology
Luca Bombardieri
Contributi sul tema dell’inquinamento atmosferico nell’ambito del progetto artistico di Laura Pugno
edited by
Anna Bonfanteabstract
Matthew Paris, i Plantageneti, la crociata
Studio ed edizione dell’Iter de Londinio in Terram Sanctam
edited by
Bernardino Pitocchelliabstract
An Outline of Persian ʿilm-i maʿānī
Alessia Dal Bianco
Salvation in the Jesuit Mission in Japan Under Francisco Cabral
Linda Zampol D’Ortia
The Jesuit textual production from the sixteenth century leaves no doubt that the Japanese evangelising enterprise was publicised as the epitome of success. Francisco Cabral, third superior of the mission, who had initially shared this judgement, in time began fearing that the mission was, instead, doomed to failure. As he perceived the loosening of the internal ties of the Society of Jesus, and the salvation of the catechumens as more and more independent of that of the Jesuits, Cabral concluded that God had abandoned the mission. This study, using little-known manuscript sources, examines Cabral’s attitudes towards his confreres and the Japanese people, to illuminate how particular salvation mechanics could define early modern Catholic missions.
The Jesuit textual production from the sixteenth century leaves no doubt that the Japanese evangelising enterprise was publicised as the epitome of success. Francisco Cabral, third superior of the mission, who had initially shared this judgement, in time began fearing that the mission was, instead, doomed to failure. As he …
Epic and Greek Tragedy: A Mapping
edited by
Andrea Rodighiero Anna Maganuco Margherita Nimis Giacomo Scavelloabstract
Introduzione, testo critico, commento e traduzione
edited by
Leyla Ozbekabstract
Un monde partagé : la Sicile du premier siècle av. J.-C. entre Diodore et Cicéron
edited by
Stefania De Vido Cécile Durvyeabstract
This volume is the result of a scientific collaboration between the research centres of the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme in Aix-en-Provence and the Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, whose study interests converged in a joint experimental project. A detailed comparison between Cicero and Diodorus has never been proposed until now, probably because of the obvious disparity between their works. There is, on the one hand, an illustrious orator at the centre of the political and cultural experience of Rome, and on the other hand, a minor Greek historian whose intellectual profile has only recently been enhanced by critics. Yet, they have quite a lot in common: they both lived in the turbulent late Republican …
This volume is the result of a scientific collaboration between the research centres of the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme in Aix-en-Provence and the Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, whose study interests converged in a joint experimental project. A detailed comparison between Cicero and Diodorus …
Il re-enactment delle mostre
edited by
Guido Bartorelli Stefania Portinariabstract
Francesco Soave, Riflessioni intorno all’istituzione d’una lingua universale
edited by
Elisa Pernumianabstract
Un’introduzione teorica e un percorso di ricerca
Alfredo Alietti
Dario Padovan
This volume stems from the need to contribute systematically to the debate on racism and to offer the opportunity to reflect on the different theories that have followed one another over time. This work does not intend to be exhaustive about the vast and articulated theoretical and empirical literature. The authors intend to provide an introduction focused on those aspects that seem most pertinent in understanding the evolution of the phenomenon and unveiling the mechanisms that underlie the discourses and practices of rejection and denial of the Other. The narrative structure that has been pursued relates to the historical-sociological reconstruction of the main theories that have attempted to respond to the forms in which different racisms have presented themselves within …
This volume stems from the need to contribute systematically to the debate on racism and to offer the opportunity to reflect on the different theories that have followed one another over time. This work does not intend to be exhaustive about the vast and articulated theoretical and empirical literature. The …
Le frasi derivate da movimento nei bambini con impianto cocleare
Dalla valutazione al training linguistico
Silvia D’Ortenzio
This book faces two issues: the assessment of movement-derived structures in children with cochlear implants, and the linguistic training based on the explicit teaching of syntactic rules. Participants were tested on the production, comprehension, and repetition of sentences derived by A’ movement. The performance of the children with cochlear implants was compared with the performance of a group of children with normal hearing. Results showed a better performance of hearing children than deaf children, and the typical subject-object asymmetry common to both groups. As for the training part, three case studies are presented on the adaptation into Italian of the linguistic training of relative clauses. The linguistic training follows the protocols developed for adults with aphasia and children with Developmental …
This book faces two issues: the assessment of movement-derived structures in children with cochlear implants, and the linguistic training based on the explicit teaching of syntactic rules. Participants were tested on the production, comprehension, and repetition of sentences derived by A’ movement. The performance of the children with cochlear implants …
Rappresentazioni di genere nel linguaggio dei TG italiani
Monia Azzalini
This book is a study on gender representations in the language of the Italian TV news, adopting an interdisciplinary approach that integrates linguistic analysis with media analysis. The first part provides an overview of the theoretical and research framework on ‘language and gender’ and ‘media and gender’, with a brief presentation of the international theoretical models and an annotated review of the state of the art at a national level. Convergence and shared notions in the common perspective of ‘gender’ will be highlighted across the two fields. The second part features a corpus analysis of the female and male representations in the Italian TV news, which explores both the gender-based variations in the speech of the sources of the news …
This book is a study on gender representations in the language of the Italian TV news, adopting an interdisciplinary approach that integrates linguistic analysis with media analysis. The first part provides an overview of the theoretical and research framework on ‘language and gender’ and ‘media and gender’, with a brief …
Essays on Modern and Contemporary China in Honour of Guido Samarani
edited by
Laura De Giorgi Sofia Grazianiabstract
Manthos Ioannou, Storia della sciagura e schiavitù della Morea
Testo, commento e glossario
Eugenia Liosatou
Karl von Zinzendorf, Tagebuch einer kommerziellen Studienreise durch die Schweiz
Annotated Edition of the Original French Text of the Diary June-October 1764
edited by
Helmut Watzlawickabstract
This edition is part of a wider project for a comprehensive transcription of the diary by Karl von Zinzendorf (1739‑1813). Zinzendorf was counsellor at the Treasury (Commerzienrat) in Vienna (1762‑66), Governor of Trieste (1776‑82), and later Staatsminister. From 1764 to 1770 he travelled to different European countries: Switzerland, Italy, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, the British Isles, and Belgium. The complete diary, which covers the period from his Saxon childhood to his death as minister in Vienna, is renowned for the regularity of its entries as well as the acute observations and critical self‑reflections of the author. Zinzendorf’s stay in Switzerland between June and October 1764 corresponds to one of his study trip to analyse …
This edition is part of a wider project for a comprehensive transcription of the diary by Karl von Zinzendorf (1739‑1813). Zinzendorf was counsellor at the Treasury (Commerzienrat) in Vienna (1762‑66), Governor of Trieste (1776‑82), and later Staatsminister. From 1764 to 1770 he travelled to different European countries: …
Building in Prehistoric Cyprus
Tracing Transformations in the Built and Social Environment of Early Cypriot Communities
Marialucia Amadio
Il restauro della Tenda rossa al Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
edited by
Marco Iezzi Giovanni Pietrangeliabstract
Il volgarizzamento della Brevis introductio ad dictamen del codice Riccardiano 2323
Edizione critica e commento
edited by
Cristiano Lorenziabstract
Cultural Exchanges Between Korea and the West
Artifacts and Intangible Heritage
edited by
Jong-Chol An Ariane Perrinabstract
This volume encompasses the proceedings of the First International Conference of the East and West in Korean Studies project Cultural Exchanges Between Korea and the West: Artifacts and Intangible Heritage, organized by Jong-Chol An and Ariane Perrin in the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in May 2021 with the support of the Academy of Korean Studies. Following an interdisciplinary approach from such fields as history, heritage studies, history of art and religious studies, nine essays were selected that best illustrate the main themes of the conference. This richly-illustrated publication presents little-known historical documents and various artifacts that had been lost to time within various institutions, private collections or museum collections, tracing …
This volume encompasses the proceedings of the First International Conference of the East and West in Korean Studies project Cultural Exchanges Between Korea and the West: Artifacts and Intangible Heritage, organized by Jong-Chol An and Ariane Perrin in the Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari …
Health and Beauty Between Past and Present
edited by
Sabrina Minuzziabstract
Il mito degli Atridi dal teatro antico all’epoca contemporanea
edited by
Laura Carrara Rolando Ferri Enrico Meddaabstract
Infinityhub: la guida interstellare per una nuova dimensione dell’energia
edited by
Massimiliano Braghinabstract
Traces of Contemporary Art in Cortina d’Ampezzo
From the Digital Archive of the Mario Rimoldi Museum
edited by
Diego Mantoanabstract
Metafore e linguaggio figurato nel Medioevo e nell’opera di Dante
Gaia Tomazzoli
Architecture, Arts and Antiquities at Rialto
Michela Agazzi
Gianmario Guidarelli
Myriam Pilutti Namer
The book offers a greater understanding of the multiple layers of meaning that have been superimposed in the course of the Medieval and Modern Ages in the Rialto area. The authors follow the Leitmotiv of the memorial component that each operation of architectural reuse has carried in the history of the church of San Giacomo di Rialto, a building which stands, emblematically, as a sort of architectural relic. Adopting this principle, the book offers an in-depth analysis of the spatial model, the reuse of individual architectural and decorative elements but also, on a larger scale, the different configurations of the urban context (the Rialto market) through the centuries, after repeated destruction, reconstruction and transformation. By adopting this multi-scale approach, the …
The book offers a greater understanding of the multiple layers of meaning that have been superimposed in the course of the Medieval and Modern Ages in the Rialto area. The authors follow the Leitmotiv of the memorial component that each operation of architectural reuse has carried in the history of …
Voids, Fullness, Sounds, Silences, Presences, Absences
edited by
Silvia Rivadossi Cecilia Franchini Bonaventura Rupertiabstract
Guide to the Principal Pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts at Venice
A Critical Edition, with Other Texts on Carpaccio and Venetian Painting
John Ruskin
edited by
Paul Tuckerabstract
Informal Diplomacy and Women’s Networks at the Savoy-Carignano Court (Seventeenth Century)
Elisabetta Lurgo
Geo-Heliocentric Controversies
The Jesuits, Tycho Brahe, and the Confessionalisation of Science in Seventeenth-Century Lisbon
Luís Miguel Carolino
Verifying the Truth on Their Own Terms
Ottoman Philosophical Culture and the Court Debate Between Zeyrek (d. 903/1497-98 [?]) and Ḫocazāde (d. 893/1488)
Efe Murat Balıkçıoğlu
The present volume offers a detailed analysis of a fifteenth-century court debate on God’s unicity (tawḥīd), involving the Ottoman scholars Mollā Zeyrek (d. 903/1497-98 [?]) and Ḫocazāde Muṣliḥuddīn Muṣṭafā (d. 893/1488), as a chance to highlight the dynamics of knowledge production at the time: in post-classical Islamic scholarship, an essential element of the process was scholars’ adroitness in synthesizing arguments from differing schools of philosophy and theology – via close readings of past masters. This dialectic unfolded during a period of imperial restructuring, at a time when Sultan Meḥmed II (d. 886/1481) realized his cosmopolitan and universalistic ambitions through his persistent patronage of philosophy and science, a case that is illustrated by his glorious palatine library. The setting, …
The present volume offers a detailed analysis of a fifteenth-century court debate on God’s unicity (tawḥīd), involving the Ottoman scholars Mollā Zeyrek (d. 903/1497-98 [?]) and Ḫocazāde Muṣliḥuddīn Muṣṭafā (d. 893/1488), as a chance to highlight the dynamics of knowledge production at the time: in post-classical Islamic scholarship, …
Chinese Franciscans and the Translation of the Bible
With Translation of Huainian Liu Xutang shenfu and Facing Chinese Text
Raissa De Gruttola
The Tongbai Palace and Its Daoist Communities: A History
Jacopo Scarin
Grammatica della lingua dei segni italiana (LIS)
edited by
Chiara Branchini Lara Mantovanabstract
La Grammatica della lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) (A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS)) è un’ampia presentazione delle proprietà grammaticali della LIS. È stata pensata come uno strumento per studenti, insegnanti, interpreti, la Comunità Sorda, ricercatori, linguisti e chiunque sia interessato allo studio della LIS. È uno dei risultati del progetto Horizon 2020 SIGN-HUB. È composta da sei Parti: la Parte 1 è dedicata al panorama sociale e storico in cui si è sviluppata la lingua, mentre le altre cinque Parti descrivono i domini linguistici di Fonologia, Lessico, Morfologia, Sintassi e Pragmatica. Grazie al formato digitale della grammatica, i testi e i video sono saldamente interconnessi, progettati per adattarsi ad hoc alla descrizione di una lingua visiva.
La Grammatica della lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) (A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS)) è un’ampia presentazione delle proprietà grammaticali della LIS. È stata pensata come uno strumento per studenti, insegnanti, interpreti, la Comunità Sorda, ricercatori, linguisti e chiunque sia interessato allo studio della LIS. È uno …
Ambassadors of Sustainability
edited by
Lydia Griaznova Maria Redaelliabstract
The project Sostenibilart aims to raise awareness on a crucial issue, such as the sustainability of all our activities on the planet, and together to ‘educate’ concretely, through art, sustainability in a broad sense, inspiring and promoting actions. The idea is powerful and understandable: to encourage, in the current international scene, artists of significant standing to become ‘Ambassadors of Sustainability’, contributing with their works to promote a greater and more active awareness of environmental respect, the non-dissipative use of the planetary resources, multiethnic and multigenerational sharing.
The project Sostenibilart aims to raise awareness on a crucial issue, such as the sustainability of all our activities on the planet, and together to ‘educate’ concretely, through art, sustainability in a broad sense, inspiring and promoting actions. The idea is powerful and understandable: to encourage, in the current international …
From the Documents of the State Archives
Water Cities along the Silk Roads
edited by
Angelo Maggi Andrea Nanettiabstract
The Condition of Transnational Posted Workers in Europe
edited by
Rossana Cillo Fabio Peroccoabstract
Letteratura scandinava della modernità e della città: 1866-1898
Massimo Ciaravolo
Abstracts of the Free Communications, Thematic Sessions, Round Tables and Posters
Collected here are the abstracts of the speeches delivered by the participants at the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies in the different sessions divided into Free Communications, Thematic Sessions, Round Tables, and Posters. Please refer to the Congress website for an overview of the programme: https://byzcongress2022.org/programme/.
Collected here are the abstracts of the speeches delivered by the participants at the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies in the different sessions divided into Free Communications, Thematic Sessions, Round Tables, and Posters. Please refer to the Congress website for an overview of the programme: https://byzcongress2022.org/programme/.
Cyprus in the Marciana Library of Venice
Manuscripts, Texts, and Papers
edited by
Marco Fanelliabstract
La mostra Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia. Manoscritti, testi e carte (Venezia, 22-27 agosto 2022), organizzata a latere del 24° Congresso Internazionale di Studi Bizantini, della quale il presente catalogo è specchio, mira a indagare l’eredità culturale del secolare rapporto che legò Venezia e Cipro (1473-1571), sulla base dei materiali manoscritti e cartografici conservati nella Biblioteca Marciana, la più longeva istituzione culturale della Serenissima. La schedatura aggiornata dei materiali, accompagnata da un’ampia introduzione, propone un percorso che al contempo fa luce sulla vicenda dei singoli manoscritti e traccia un preliminare itinerario dei rapporti culturali che legarono l’isola al dominio veneziano.
La mostra Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia. Manoscritti, testi e carte (Venezia, 22-27 agosto 2022), organizzata a latere del 24° Congresso Internazionale di Studi Bizantini, della quale il presente catalogo è specchio, mira a indagare l’eredità culturale del secolare rapporto che legò Venezia e Cipro (1473-1571), sulla base dei …
Bessarione's Book in Defense of Plato
Text Fortunes and Intellectual Journeys
edited by
Sergei Marievabstract
La mostra dal titolo Il libro di Bessarione in difesa di Platone: nell’officina dell’ultimo filosofo bizantino celebra la figura di Bessarione, una delle personalità più affascinanti e, al contempo, uno dei Bizantini più influenti del quindicesimo secolo. Oggetto dell’esposizione sono alcuni preziosi documenti conservati nella Biblioteca Marciana: manoscritti, incunaboli, prime versioni a stampa dell’In Calumniatorem Platonis, il capolavoro di Bessarione. Il percorso espositivo permette al visitatore di entrare nell’‘officina’ di Bessarione e di ripercorrere le tappe del lungo e travagliato percorso intellettuale che portò all’elaborazione e pubblicazione dell’opera bessarionea, seguendo insieme le vicende dei testi in cui il progetto filosofico e culturale di Bessarione andava via via concretizzandosi. Il presente catalogo accompagna il percorso espositivo consentendo al visitatore …
La mostra dal titolo Il libro di Bessarione in difesa di Platone: nell’officina dell’ultimo filosofo bizantino celebra la figura di Bessarione, una delle personalità più affascinanti e, al contempo, uno dei Bizantini più influenti del quindicesimo secolo. Oggetto dell’esposizione sono alcuni preziosi documenti conservati nella Biblioteca Marciana: manoscritti, incunaboli, prime …
Stoneyards and Artists in Gandhara
The Buddhist Stupa of Saidu Sharif I, Swat (c. 50 CE)
Luca M. Olivieri
Materials and Methods of Analysis for the Study of the Ainu Language
Southern Hokkaidō and Sakhalin Varieties
Elia Dal Corso
This volume is intended to be a practical manual to learn the basics of the Ainu language, in its varieties of Southern Hokkaidō and Sakhalin. Each lesson presents one specific topic that is investigated taking into account both varieties of the language. Three kinds of activities guide the student throughout each lesson to inductively make generalisations on the language that can be supported by linguistic evidence and, possibly, to revise the information they were given as a start of their analysis. In order to do this, the student learns to observe the data, recognize recurring patterns and exceptions, and formulate a description of the language behaviours illustrated by the given examples. At the end of each lesson the student actively …
This volume is intended to be a practical manual to learn the basics of the Ainu language, in its varieties of Southern Hokkaidō and Sakhalin. Each lesson presents one specific topic that is investigated taking into account both varieties of the language. Three kinds of activities guide the student throughout …
Prelude to the Ghetto of Venice
The Jews under the Doge (1250-1516)
Renata Segre
Dante nei fumetti (e vignette) italiani dal XIX al XXI secolo
edited by
Leonardo Canova Luca Lombardo Paolo Rigoabstract
This volume is born from the desire to bring together two worlds: that of Dante scholars and that of cartoonists and illustrators who have drawn inspiration from Dante. The volume is composed of two sections, the first of which, without any claim to being exhaustive, intends to retrace and analyse the presence of Dante and his works in Italian comics and cartoons from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day. Here, from the relationship with the archetypal Gustave Doré, we come to the most recent realisations on web platforms, crossing important junctions in the history of Italy along with some of the most important representatives of the ninth art – Guido Martina, Milo Manara, Benito Jacovitti, Marcello, …
This volume is born from the desire to bring together two worlds: that of Dante scholars and that of cartoonists and illustrators who have drawn inspiration from Dante. The volume is composed of two sections, the first of which, without any claim to being exhaustive, intends to retrace and analyse …
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy Between Exclusion, Discrimination and Struggles
edited by
Francesco Della Puppa Giuliana Sanòabstract
This volume analyses exclusion processes, segregation dynamics and the forms of discrimination of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, where the reception system is marked by opaqueness and arbitrariness and is becoming increasingly similar to the model of “camps”. The numerous vibrant contributions present a fully-fledged system of inferiorization, characterised by labour exploitation, housing discomfort, meagre rights and control strategies, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a sharp worsening of the health, work, housing and administrative conditions. A framework that has found opposition in the daily resistance and in the struggles of asylum seekers.
This volume analyses exclusion processes, segregation dynamics and the forms of discrimination of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, where the reception system is marked by opaqueness and arbitrariness and is becoming increasingly similar to the model of “camps”. The numerous vibrant contributions present a fully-fledged system of inferiorization, characterised …
John Ruskin’s Europe. A Collection of Cross-Cultural Essays
With an Introductory Lecture by Salvatore Settis
edited by
Emma Sdegno Martina Frank Myriam Pilutti Namer Pierre-Henry Frangneabstract
Ukraine in Search of an Equilibrium
Historical, linguistic and cultural challenges from Porošenko to Zelens'kyj
edited by
Andrea Franco Oleg Rumyantsevabstract
Edizioni Ca’ Foscari
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