Home > Catalogue > Library of Rassegna iberistica > Serenísima palabra > Notas para una edición crítica de Duendes son alcahuetes y el Espíritu Foleto (I parte, 1709) de Antonio de Zamora

Notas para una edición crítica de Duendes son alcahuetes y el Espíritu Foleto (I parte, 1709) de Antonio de Zamora

Renata Londero    Università degli Studi di Udine, Italia    



In this paper, Antonio de Zamora’s well-known comedy of magic Duendes son alcahuetes y el Espíritu Foleto (First part, 1709) is studied from a philological point of view. In fact, only a non-critical edition of this play exists, by F. Doménech Rico (2008). Before performing a brief analysis of the comedy regarding its language, metrics and possible staging, I will examine the six testimonies that transmit the text. These are two manuscripts kept in the Biblioteca Nacional de España (Ms. 15491; Ms. 16959) and four prints: the one contained in the Comedias de don Antonio de Zamora (Madrid, Joaquín Sánchez, 1744, II, pp. 95-152) and three eighteenth-century sueltas (two are anonymous: Sevilla, José Antonio de Hermosilla; Madrid, Antonio Sanz, 1731; while the third one is attributed to Zamora: Valencia, José y Tomás de Orga, 1782). After collating the testimonies and detecting their separative and conjunctive errors, a three-branched family tree is proposed in order to establish the critical text for its edition.  

March 31, 2016
July 13, 2015

Keywords: Critical editionComedy of magic17th centuryAntonio de ZamoraSpanish theatre

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