Library of Rassegna iberistica

Series | Library of Rassegna iberistica
Volume 5 | Edited book | Serenísima palabra

Serenísima palabra

Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Association Siglo de Oro (Venice, 14-18 July 2014)
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Anna Bognolo - Università degli Studi Verona, Italia - email
  • Florencio del Barrio de la Rosa - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • María del Valle Ojeda Calvo - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Donatella Pini - Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia - email
  • Andrea Zinato - Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia - email


From the 14th to the 18th July 2014, more than 200 scholars, coming from 21 countries and belonging to 126 universities, centres and institutions, met in Venice to celebrate the X International Conference of the Asociación Siglo de Oro on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. These pages comprise the better part of what was said after the contributions underwent the peer-review process prior to their publication. The conference’s content was divided into three sections: the first one collects the five plenary conferences, whereas the second one the “Moved Recollection of Isaías Lerner on the 25th Anniversary of AISO”; finally, the third section includes the contributions. The latter are subdivided into five other sections (“Poetry”, “Theatre”, “Prose”, “Language and Translation”, “Miscellany”), which mirror the multidisciplinary character of the meeting. As a matter of fact, the cultural and historical aspects of the Hispanic world of the XVI and XVII centuries that were dealt with in the contributions, as well as their success nowadays, significantly vary.

Keywords Spanish PoetryButterflyCáncerTranslation StudiesRepublic of LettersKunderaPhilologyXVII centuryGraphical changesCollaborationTranslatorEmpireAuthorshipEl piadoso venecianoEpic and DramaMelchor Díaz de ToledoAffectStageItalianSpanish Golden Age theatreCritical editions of literary WorksLow BaroqueRimasPortugalDramatic formulaMetricsTextual bibliographyTesoro de la Lengua CastellanaRojas ZorrillaLanguageTwentieth centuryAtonementDíaz de RivasLabyrinthWitticismDiálogo de la lenguaMoretoPhilip IVinterludesSpanish NovelVeniceSanta TeresaMiguel TorgaJosé de la ConchaEl maestro de danzarVenitian printingEl bautismo del príncipe de MarruecosFacetiaÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de VacaDiccionario de Autoridades17th CenturySpanish Golden Age entremesesTametsi decreeDonkey17th centuryPriestBandelloTridentin workSiglo de OroDescartesPromujerLiterary sourcesSeventeenth centuryAlonso de Castillo SolórzanoEditionIllustrated editionMusicExpressionIberismJosé de ArroyoAnacreonticsFrancisco de LeefdaelSatyreTruthEnchantment of DulcinearesemantizationNunsLove poetryAntonio de ZamoraPoliticsBaroque comedyPortuguese poetryRobberyJuan de MarianaRepentanceSonnetsCórdobaSpanish Court PoetryRenaissance booksComedia nuevaSociabilitySuspensionSaavedra FajardoMorisco figuresString literatureAnti-aulic satireJiménez PatónLa noche de San JuanCalderónBook of JobLiterary criticismJerónimo Corte-RealLettersSpanish literature of the Golden AgeSlangAutoFernando de HerreraChivalric romanceLa MayaCándido María TriguerosDisgustRenascenceJewelsBookletsGuzmán de AlfaracheBibliographyAlonso RemónSermonGranadaAttributed authorshipMysticismAnagildaEspada sagradaRosete NiñoGemstonesHistory of bookLoveDynamismDon QuixoteCaballero de IllescasMadmenVázquez SiruelaImagoPhilosophical methodEarly MusicItalian translationPrior censorshipOlivieri di CastigliaHernán NúñezAuthorsOrder of the Golden FleeceComedyChristian preacherPublisherPoetry about musicSevilleIntertextualityIneffable languageNovelToposLuis Gálvez de MontalvoStyleJuan de ValdésCoherenceMargaret Theresa of SpainMetaphorTheatre TranslationDecameronLady of CopacabanaLa Zucca del Doni en spañolParodyFernández de LizardiHagiographic dramaOpen accessImagesCea TesaPost-Tridentine SpainCountess of HarrachKomenskýFrancesco PortonariExplicitationWalter RaleighAsceticismAntonio SacchiHistory of Spanis languageGolden AgeOctosyllabic verseNew SpainFrancisco de La TorreItalian RenaissanceQuixoteJourneyItalian humanist short proseBarahona de SotoLuís de CamõesLiterary stylesPreacherPedro Sarmiento de GamboaInsane asylumsTranslation constraintsGongorismLope sourcesEpic poetryComedy of magicExemplary NovelsSpanish Golden AgeCarlo GozziNotes in scholarly editionsRomances of chivalryHernando de AcuñaAnalysisHonourMatos FragosoQuevedoJusticeKing SebastianJuan Bautista PederzanoGiacomo FrancoTranslatorsLuigi GrotoPoeticsPaintingNotesSociologyInterpretationTraitorsItalophilePoggio BraccioliniReligious PoetryTranslationCarlo GoldoniPlaying cardsTreeUruguayCritical editionShameTravel narrativesMadridAutobiographyBernardo de Sandoval y Rojas17th century TheatreLopeLiterary authorsVarietyCatalogueEl dómine LucasAmintaDalilaConquest of PeruQueen Isabel de BorbónBarbersSonnetBaroqueTheaterLope de VegaIdeologyQuijoteLibrettoAmbiguityProverbsSacrament of penanceModernityCorruptionPreachingMythificationDecorumTraditionJorge de MontemayorParemiologyCABIGOItalyMendeleyGypsiesUnstableSpanish theatreLa Gerusalemme liberataPynchonCastillejoNicolini da SabbioCopper coinJáureguiEulogyCensorsPublic-Private relationStylistic developmentRefranesQuotationsCouncil of CastileFraudHomeric simileOrthographiyPhoneticsEnríquez de CabreraHistory of typographyTreesNovelleTragic playSpanish Golden Age TheatreCastillo SolórzanoQuiñones de BenaventeComedias de pícarosLiteratureBaroque theaterCut flowerFrench Classical TheatreBibleThe Book of JudgesAnthroponomyFarsaliaGóngoraVersificationRoberto el diabloFrancisco de QuevedoAffinitiesFemale readerSegmentationSermonsGolden Age minor theaterGirolamo GigliHelmet of MambrinoCristóbal de MoralesDedicationsRhetoricSpanish Golden Age, History of LinguisticsExperienceShort farceLoversMiguel de CervantesTheatrePoetryNovelas ejemplaresCorrection to editio princepsMystical symbolsSpainReception theoryPopular cultureSeven love lettersMarginalizationBaroque poetryFigurón comedyNadie fíe su secretoFestive relationCohesionWomen writersPressJosé SaramagoPerfecto predicadorSatireSpiritual poetryGolden Age PoetryOliveros de CastillaPicaresque novelDramatic spaceLiterary censorshipLas dos doncellasControversySan Juan de la CruzLiterary ForgeryFinancial crisisSymbolismMetaphorsAdaptation StudiesRewritingEroticismDedicateesMetreFearCervantesMercadanteGrotesque bodyCalderón de a BarcaEmpresas políticasTimanthesCourtAdventure booksOrthographyFine taste

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-163-8 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-164-5 | Number of pages 1108 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published July 3, 2017 | Language it