Home > Catalogue > Library of Rassegna iberistica > Serenísima palabra > Relación de sucesos, fiesta cortesana y representación teatral: en torno a La noche de San Juan de Lope de Vega

Relación de sucesos, fiesta cortesana y representación teatral: en torno a La noche de San Juan de Lope de Vega

Graciela Fiadino    Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina    



Festive relations could be defined as a balance of genres between chronicled history, journalism and propaganda, and they should have the qualities of clarity, fidelity and accuracy. They are characterized by an extensive and complex composition, since they narrate and describe celebrations, ephemeral monuments, emblems, iconography, celebratory texts, and courtly festivities. The Relación de la Fiesta que hizo á sus Magestades y Altezas el Conde-Duque la noche de San Juan de este año de 1631, an anonymous text in prose published by C. Pellicer in 1804, is the existent document that tells us the exact details surrounding the writing and performance of a play by Lope de Vega as part of a lavish courtly party held in the palatial gardens of noble friends close to Olivares. The analyzed text also talks about the activity that the Count-Duke deployed to maintain the favor of Philip IV, whom he provided pleasant amusements since his youth, and how the Count-Duke continued this strategy during the adulthood of the king.  

March 31, 2016
July 28, 2015

Keywords: Lope de VegaFestive relationTheaterLa noche de San Juan

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